Wednesday, 20 February 2008

welcome one and all... and me.

Hello there! come in, come in.. what's that? no, don't worry about your shoes... take a seat, grab a beer if that's what you like.. i'm having a tea.

So I'm pretty new to all this blog based stuff so bare with me... It might take a few goes to get interesting. Basically I'll be crankin out posts about what I do and my general thinkings. Currently I am at university doing a degree in biology.. specifically environmental biology. So there will be sciencey stuff all up in your face.

But wait!.. theres more..

I pretty much love music and riding bikes and basketball and stuff so there will be associated posts. Hopefully whack a few cool bands and songs up for your listening pleasure too.

Time for one massive cliche me thinks; 'watch this space'



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